Since I have neglected my blog for the past four months or so, I felt today was as good as any to jump back in. I hope to post more steadily this year—otherwise, what’s the point, right?!
The biggest update I can give in the past four months would have to be the fact that I bought a new townhouse, which I’m in love with and can’t wait to move into! It should be ready hopefully by March, as long as the snow this winter does not delay the construction too much. Fingers crossed!
The other thing is that I finally started on the continuous glucose meter. I have to say, I find it very annoying. I thought I was going to love it, but it’s not worth it to me to use. I know the point is to monitor blood sugar trends. I feel like that would be helpful if it was ever accurate! It is constantly alarming that I’m low, when I never am. There was one night it was alarming every 10 minutes in the middle of the night, when I was actually fine the entire time. After a while I would stop believing it and never check my blood sugar.
And I was calibrating it when I supposed to.
That’s the other thing.
Calibrating is incredibly annoying to me. I feel like my eating schedule is based on when I calibrate since it can’t be done too close after eating. It also can’t be done when your sugar is too high. I felt like there was never a good time to do it.
I don’t know---I’m sure there’s a good chance I’m doing something wrong, but I gave up and stopped wearing it. I’m sure I’ll give it another go one of these days, but for now, I’m just too frustrated.