Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Your Biggest Supporter--Diabetes Blog Week Day 3

I’m a little late jumping in, but I just discovered Karen’s Bitter-Sweet diabetes blog and her post about Diabetes Blog Week. In an effort to post on a more consistent basis, I thought it would be fun to participate!

Figuring out my biggest supporter is tough because all my friends and family care about me and my health. I’m always asked how I’m feeling and if I’m ok. They let me give insulin injections right in front of them without looking grossed out and I love that they ask questions to try to understand more about what I’m going through.

Although, I have to say, my biggest supporter would have to be my husband. He’s there with me every day so he gets to be involved in it all. I was diagnosed about five years ago when I turned 21. It wasn't the most fun experience, but as my boyfriend at the time, he was there for me 100%. Every day after class at college, he would visit me at the hospital, which was about two hours away (I was there for a few days) and he showed no sign of wanting to bail out of the situation. It was comforting to know I could count on him. Since then, he’s had to deal with me and my fluctuating blood sugars on a constant basis. For the most part I’m pretty normal, but I do have my off days. When I am really stressed about it, I’m sure it effects him too.

Yay for all the awesome supporters in my life!

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